23 Tips for staying safe when you go hiking in the UAE.

  1. Never go hiking alone.
  2. Don’t leave anyone behind, use the buddy system.
  3. Take enough food and snacks.
  4. Let someone know where your group is going.
  5. Take enough water with you (Take more than you think you need.)
  6. Research the area you’re going.
  7. Take the right gear with you.
  8. Take sunscreen with you
  9. Know the signs of dehydration
  10. Know your energy levels,  you’ll need it to reach your final destination
  11. Carry a first aid kit
  12. Make sure you go with an experienced guide who is first aid certified.
  13. If something doesn’t feel right, speak up
  14. Don’t consume alcoholic drinks the night before or during the hike, as it dehydrates you.
  15. Wear appropriate shoes for the hike
  16. Check the weather before you leave home.
  17. Don’t set up tent underneath potential rock fall or trees.
  18. Careful when picking up small rocks, there might be scorpions underneath
  19. Shout out “Rocks!” if scrambling or climbing up to notify the people underneath you that rocks might fall on them.
  20. Carry a headlamp if you start hiking late afternoon
  21. Know that sometimes you need to cut the trip short and turn around – stick to cut off times
  22. Avoid hiking near to borders
  23. Know the emergency numbers: Police: 999. Ambulance: 998


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